52fw.cn 06-21 次遇见“隐形贫困人口”,字面意思为“invisible poverty-stricken population”,指看起来每天有吃有喝,但实际上却穷到吃土(dirt-poor)的人。常见代表人群如:前一秒还在晒大餐,后一秒连房租都要室友垫付。
“隐形”这里表示“看不出来,意想不到的(unexpected)”。 因此,“隐形贫困人口”也可以翻译为“the unexpected poor”。
“隐形贫困”多是消费不节制、入不敷出(to spend more money than you receive as income,
The invisible poverty-stricken population, or the invisible poor, refers to people whose consumption exceeds their income. They usually live a quality life and spend a lot of money on food, clothing, gym, spas and other daily expenses, which leaves them little or no money in their bank accounts.