美籍华人科学家沈嗣钧(C.K. Shum)
52fw.cn 06-29 次遇见昨天介绍的现任国际大地测量协会主席,是2013年度欧洲地球科学联合会设立的维宁 曼乃兹 奖得主。
这个奖项是为 褒奖大地测量学家设立的。
2012年度的该奖得主为美籍华人科学家沈嗣钧(C.K. Shum)。
山东临沂第一中学网站的 信息显示:该校“纪检书记王恩来在美国学习期间结识的美籍华人科学家沈嗣钧(C.K. Shum)教授,于8月6日至8日携家人来我市参观访问。”
“ 7日晚,沈嗣钧(C.K. Shum)教授特地为我校高二学生作了题为《人造卫星的定位与应用》的报告,深入浅出地为同学们介绍了最新太空高科技,真诚地回答了同学们提出的有关科技、政治、教育、文化等方面的问题,深受同学们欢迎。
在临沂期间,沈嗣钧(C.K. Shum)先生及家人还游览了我市的王羲之故居、银雀山竹简汉墓博物馆及蒙山,对我市渊源流长的文化和现代化建设成就都给予了高度评价。”
欧洲地球科学联合会网站是这样介绍C.K. Shum的:
The 2012 Vening Meinesz Medal is awarded to Che-Kwan Shum for his pioneering work on the recent developments in geodetic techniques that have made profound contributions to the Earth Sciences through the precise measurement of mass transports within the Earth system.
In recent years, geodesy has made profound contributions to the Earth Sciences through the precise measurement of mass transports within the Earth system. Progress in the use of GNSS and of satellite altimetry and space gravity has made it possible to detect minute changes in the height of the surface of the ocean, as well as of the land and of ice sheets. In addition, small but measurable changes in gravity related to changes in ice sheets, continental hydrology and ocean mass have enabled a much more complete understanding of the interchanges of water between the different components of the climate system. C.K. Shum has been one of the pioneers of these developments. He is a Professor of Geodetic Science in the School of Earth Sciences of the Ohio State University (OSU). Shum has been a leader in the understanding of sea level change and the associated changes in the ice sheets and terrestrial hydrosphere. He has published over 160 journal research papers, book chapters and books, and as many reports and proceedings papers, in a career that has spanned sea level and climate change, celestial mechanics, geodynamics and geophysics, satellite orbit determination, satellite oceanography and hydrology, and planetary science. Shum has built up a strong research group at the OSU, and in the process has mentored a new generation of research students and has established important research links between the US, Europe and China. His particular recent interests have focussed on the use of combined sea level data sets from several altimeter missions, with particular attention to their inter-calibration, on space gravity for the study of mass fluxes between different parts of the climate system, and on GNSS for the calibration of altimeter satellites and for the measurement of vertical land movements. Shum has played major international roles within the International Association of Geodesy (IAG), and its Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS) and as a Lead Author for the sea level chapter of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Research Assessment. The importance of and wide interest in Professor Shum’s work are reflected in the thousands of citations of his papers and his personal h-index of 22. However, it is recognised by everyone who knows him that Shum contributes to advancing our science not only through his published research but also by his unselfish willingness to share his expertise with others, and by his untiring work behind the scenes to further geodesy in the future.
沈嗣钧(C.K. Shum)曾经到我效力的中国测绘科学研究院进行学术交流。起初,我不知道他的中文名字。
他比较新的英文论文 Regional differences of lake evolution across China during 1960s-2015 and its natural and anthropogenic causes见《Remote Sensing of Environment》2019年221卷,作者有:
Guoqing Zhang[a][b]; Tandong Yao[a][b]; Wenfeng Chen[a]; Guoxiong Zheng[a][g]; C.K. Shum[c][k]; Kun Yang[a][b]; Shilong Piao[b][d]; Yongwei Sheng[e]; Shuang Yi[f]; Junli Li[g]; Catherine M. O'Reilly[h]; Shuhua Qi[i]; Samuel S.P. Shen[j]; Hongbo Zhang[a]; Yuanyuan Jia[c]
Groundwater Storage Changes in China from
Satellite Gravity: An Overview
Wei Feng 1,*
ID , C. K. Shum 1,2 ID , Min Zhong 1 and Yun Pan 3 ID
1 State Key Laboratory of Geodesy and Earth’s Dynamics, Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430077, China; ckshum@osu.edu (C.K.S.); zmzm@whigg.ac.cn (M.Z.)
2 Division of Geodetic Science, School of Earth Sciences, Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 43210, USA
3 State Key Laboratory of Urban Environmental Processes and Digital Modeling, Capital Normal University,
Beijing 100048, China; pan@cnu.edu.cn
* Correspondence: fengwei@whigg.ac.cn; Tel.: +86-027-6888-1997
Received: 19 March 2018; Accepted: 24 April 2018; Published: 26 April 2018
Groundwater plays a critical role in the global water cycle and is the drinking source for
almost half of the world’s population. However, exact quantification of its storage change remains
elusive due primarily to limited ground observations in space and time.
The Gravity Recovery andClimate Experiment (GRACE) twin-satellite data have provided global observations of water storage
variations at monthly sampling for over a decade and a half, and is enable to estimate changes in
groundwater storage (GWS) after removing other water storage components using auxiliary datasets
and models. In this paper, we present an overview of GWS changes in three main aquifers within
China using GRACE data, and conduct a comprehensive accuracy assessment using in situ ground
well observations and hydrological models. GRACE detects a significant GWS depletion rate of
7.2 ± 1.1 km3/yr in the North China Plain (NCP) during 2002–2014, consistent with ground well
observations and model predictions. The Liaohe River Basin (LRB) experienced a pronounced GWS
decline during 2005–2009, at a depletion rate of 5.0 ± 1.2 km3/yr. Since 2010, GRACE-based GWS
reveal a slow recovery in the LRB, with excellent agreement with ground well observations. For the
whole study period 2002–2014, no significant long-term GWS depletion is found in the LRB nor in the
Tarim Basin. A case study in the Inner Tibetan Plateau highlights there still exist large uncertainties
in GRACE-based GWS change estimates.
Keywords: GRACE; groundwater storage; satellite gravimetry; China; hydrological model; groundwater
level; North China Plain