52fw.cn 04-07 次遇见Hello, Blue Devils! It’s great to be back.
It’s an honor to stand before you—both as your commencement speaker and a fellow Duke graduate.
I earned my degree from the Fuqua School in 1988. In preparing for this speech, I reached out to one of my favorite professors from back then. Bob Reinheimer taught a great course in Management Communications, which included sharpening your public speaking skills.
I want to thank President Price, the Duke Faculty, and my fellow members of the Board of Trustees for the honor of speaking with you today. I’d also like to recognize this year’s honorary degree recipients.
And most of all, congratulations to the class of 2018!
No graduate gets to this moment alone. I want to acknowledge your parents, grandparents and friends here cheering you on, just as they have every step of the way. Let’s give them our thanks.
Today especially, I remember my mother, who watched me graduate from Duke. I wouldn’t have been there that day—or made it here today—without her support.
Let’s give our special thanks to all the mothers here today, on Mother’s Day.
I have wonderful memories here. Studying—and not studying—with people I still count as friends to this day. Cheering at Cameron for every victory. Cheering even louder when that victory is over Carolina.
Look back over your shoulder fondly and say goodbye to act one of your life. And then quickly look forward. Act two begins today. It’s your turn to reach out and take the baton.
You enter the world at a time of great challenge.
Our country is deeply divided—and too many Americans refuse to hear any opinion that differs from their own.
Our planet is warming with devastating consequences—and there are some who deny it’s even happening.
Our schools and communities suffer from deep inequality—we fail to guarantee every student the right to a good education.
And yet we are not powerless in the face of these problems. You are not powerless to fix them.
No generation has ever held more power than yours. And no generation has been able to make change happen faster than yours can. The pace at which progress is possible has accelerated dramatically. Aided by technology, every individual has the tools, potential, and reach to build a better world.
That makes this the best time in history to be alive. Whatever you choose to do with your life…Wherever your passion takes you.
I urge you to take the power you have been given and use it for good. Aspire to leave this world better than you found it.
I didn’t always see life as clearly as I do now. But I’ve learned the greatest challenge of life is knowing when to break with conventional wisdom.
Don’t just accept the world you inherit today.Don’t just accept the status quo.
No big challenge has ever been solved, and no lasting improvement has ever been achieved, unless people dare to try something different. Dare to think different.
没有无法突破的挑战、没有永远不会进步的人,大家要敢于尝试不同的东西,要敢于“非同凡想”(Think Different)。
#p#分页标题#e#I was lucky to learn from someone who believed this deeply. Someone who knew that changing the world starts with “following a vision, not a path.” He was my friend and mentor, Steve Jobs.
Steve’s vision was that great ideas come from a restless refusal to accept things as they are. And those principles still guide us at Apple today.
We reject the notion that global warming is inevitable. That’s why we run Apple on 100% renewable energy.
We reject the excuse that getting the most out of technology means trading away your right to privacy. So we choose a different path: Collecting as little of your data as possible. Being thoughtful and respectful when it’s in our care. Because we know it belongs to you.
In every way, at every turn, the question we ask ourselves is not ‘what can we do’ but ‘what should we do’.
Because Steve taught us that’s how change happens. And from him I learned to never be content with things as they are.