admin 04-03 次遇见Sherwood Anderson : A Letter of Advice to His Teenage Son
The quest to find one's purpose and live the creative life boldly is neither simple nor easy, especially for a young person trying to make sense of the world and his place in it.
In the spring of 1926, Sherwood Anderson sent his seventeen-year-old son John a beautiful addition to history's most moving and timeless letters of fatherly advice. Found in Posterity: Letters of Great Americans to Their Children, the missive offers insight on everything from knowing whose advice not to take to the false allure of money to the joy of making things with your hands:
The best thing, I dare say, is first to learn something well so you can always make a living. Bob seems to be catching on at the newspaper business and has had another raise. He is getting a good training by working in a smaller city. As for the scientific fields, any of them require a long schooling and intense application. If you are made for it nothing could be better. In the long run you will have to come to your own conclusion.
The arts, which probably offer a man more satisfaction, are uncertain. It is difficult to make a living.
If I had my own life to lead over I presume I would still be a writer, but I am sure I would give my first attention to learning how to do things directly with my hands. Nothing gives quite the satisfaction that doing things brings.
Above all avoid taking the advice of men who have no brains and do not know what they are talking about. Most small businessmen say simply-'Look at me.' They fancy that if they have accumulated a little money and have got a position in a small circle they are competent to give advice to anyone.
Next to occupation is the building up of good taste. That is difficult, slow work. Few achieve it. It means all the difference in the world in the end.
排在工作之后的是培养好的品位。这是一件既难做又费时的事情, 很少有人做得到。最终,有品位意味着你的世界截然不同。
I am constantly amazed at how little painters know about painting, writers about writing, merchants about business, manufacturers about manufacturing. Most men just drift .
There is a kind of shrewdness many men have that enables them to get money. It is the shrewdness of the fox after the chicken. A low order of mentality often goes with it.
很多人都有一种精明,人生中所拥有的一切纯净都源自我对文字的感受。那些报道我的傻瓜们以为,我就是某一天早上突然决定写作,然后就开始写出很多大 作。不论是写作还是绘画,都没有特别的技巧。我坚持不懈地写了15年之后才写出了有内涵的作品。
The thing of course, is to make yourself alive. Most people remain all of their lives in a stupor . The point of being an artist is that you may live.
I write as though you were a man. Well, you must know my heart is set on you. It isn't your success I want.
There is a possibility of your having a decent attitude toward people and work. That alone may make a man of you."
(By Maria Popova)