小编 04-03 次遇见30 I Will Always Forgive You
How many times must I forgive my brother? the disciple Peter had asked Jesus. "Seven times?" Lisa's Sunday school teacher had read Jesus' surprising answer to the class, "Seventy times seven."
Lisa had leaned over to her brother Brent as the teacher continued reading. "How many times is that?" she whispered. Brent, though two years younger, was smarter than she was.
Four hundred and ninety, Brent wrote on the corner of his Sunday school paper. Lisa saw the message, nodded, and sat back in her chair. Brent was small for his age, with narrow shoulders and short arms. His glasses were too large for his face, and his hair always matted in swirls .He bordered on being a nerd , but his incredible skills at everything, especially music, made him popular with his classmates.
Two days later she got a job as a waitress in Boston.
It's too late, she wrote them once. "I've ruined Brent's life, and I'm not coming back."
Lisa did not think she would ever see home again. But one day in the restaurant where she worked she saw a face she knew. "Lisa!" said Mrs. Nelson, looking up from her plate, "What a surprise."
The woman was a friend of Lisa's family from back home. "I was so sorry to hear about your brother," Mrs. Nelson said softly, "Such a terrible accident. But we can be thankful that he died quickly. He didn't suffer." Lisa stared at the woman in shock.
Wh-hat? she finally stammered.
It couldn't be! Her brother? Dead? The woman quickly saw that Lisa did not know about the accident. She told the girl the sad story of the speeding car, the rush to the hospital, the doctors working over Brent. But all they could do was not enough to save him.
这不可能!她的弟弟?死了?这位夫人很快看出了莉萨并不知道这场意外。她给这个女孩讲述了悲惨的经过,先是汽车超速,而后是紧急送医,然后是医生们抢救布伦特。但是尽管他们用尽了一切办 法,还是没能保住他的性命。
Lisa returned home that afternoon. Now she found herself in her room thinking about her brother as she held the small box that held some of her memories of him. Sadly, she opened the box and peered inside. It was as she remembered, except for one item—Brent's chart. It was not there. In its place, at the bottom of the box, was an envelope. Her hands shook as she tore it open and removed a letter. The first page read:
莉萨那天下午回到家,然后她发觉自己在房间里想着她的弟弟,手里拿着存有一些关于他的回忆的小盒子。她悲伤地打开盒子,看了看里面。一切如初,都和她记忆中的一样,除了一样东西——布伦特原谅她的表格。那张表格不在盒子里。在它原来的地方——盒子的最下面,躺着一个信封。她双手颤抖着打开了信封,从里面拿出一封 信。信的第一页写着:
Dear Lisa,
It was you who kept count, not me. But if you're stubborn enough to keep count, use the new chart I've made for you.
Love, Brent
Lisa turned to the second page where she found a chart just like the one she had made as a child, but on this one the lines were drawn in perfect precision. And unlike the chart she had kept, there was but one check mark in the upper left-hand corner. Written in red felt-tip pen over the entire page were the words: "Number 491. Forgiven, forever."
(By Joni Eareckson Tada)