中学时代的一堂人生课:再小的善意 也会被感激
52fw.cn 04-23 次遇见Middle School Lesson on Life
(By Miss T Christine)
In sixth grade I had a nerdy , homely teacher for first period - Mr. Pennington. He wore diapers. Naturally, as 13-year-olds do, we made fun of him. Sadly, I participated. Most people whispered and giggled and some did so blatantly to ensure he could hear. He never flinched .
One early morning the class had pushed all of the desks to the perimeter of the room and everyone sat on the floor drawing, cutting, coloring, and gluing decorations for one holiday or another. We all chatted and laughed loudly while Mr. Pennington stood precariously on a desk - one foot on the seat and the other on the table portion of the same desk - stapling our designs along the corkboard border above the chalk boards in the back of the class.
I was sitting with a group of girls very near to, but with my back to Mr. Pennington when someone whispered, "Wouldn't it be funny if he fell?" I turned my head and looked up at our teacher thinking, "No, not really." But wanting to fit in, I just snickered and nodded.
As soon as I'd turned to look at the cheesy artwork in front of me, there was a crash and loud thud right behind me. I jumped to my feet and spun around all at once. Whether the action was out of sudden fear from the noise or from sensing what had just occurred and knowing something needed to be done, I can't really say.