52fw.cn 02-26 次遇见从27年前读的《未来学入门》至今,一直想把该书的英文原著也找到,然后做一个系统的中英双语对照的读本。最近,在指导年轻教师、研究生和本科生做英语原著阅读的过程中,一系列的事情又触发自己想到了这个愿望可能以一种崭新的方式或途径来实现。于是,再一次翻阅了自己当年细读过的这本小书《未来学入门》。并且,进一步从国际互联网上找到了其英文原著《The Study of the Future: An Introduction to the Art and Science of Understanding and Shaping Tomorrow's World》,还有该书作者的新著《Futuring: The Exploration of the Future》。
作者 柯尼施;孟广均,黄明鲁
出版地 北京
出版社 知识出版社
出版时间 1983.07
页数 196页
附录2:The Study of the Future: An Introduction to the Art and Science of Understanding and Shaping Tomorrow's World
by Edward Cornish
Paperback: 310 pages
Publisher: Transaction Publishers (January 1, 1977)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0930242033
ISBN-13: 978-0930242039
附录3:Futuring: The Exploration of the Future
by Edward Cornish
Edward Cornish is the founder of the World Future Society and editor of its flagship publication, THE FUTURIST magazine. Mr. Cornish has been a student and proponent of futures studies for nearly five decades. He became interested in the impact of science and technology on human life while working as a National Geographic magazine science writer in the late 1950s. In 1966, he published a six-page newsletter consisting of brief reports on books and activities related to the future. Favorable response encouraged him to contemplate an association for people interested in forecasts and social and technological change. The World Future Society was officially launched in October 1966 with the support of comprehensive designer Buckminster Fuller, Nobel Prize winning chemist Glenn T. Seaborg, former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Orville Freeman, and many other futurist thinkers. The first issue of THE FUTURIST appeared in early 1967. As a futurist, he has served as an advisor for three U.S. presidents, co-authored a report by the White House’s National Goals Research Staff, and served as chief investigator of future studies for the National Science Foundation and the Library of Congress. Mr. Cornish penned "Your Changing World," a weekly syndicated column, from 1984 to 1986. Mr. Cornish is the author of The Study of the Future: An Introduction to the Art and Science of Understanding and Shaping Tomorrow’s World (1977) and has written and edited many publications for the World Future Society. He lives in Bethesda, Maryland.
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What is a futurist? Futurists are those who look to and provide analysis of the future.
2010-10-24 12:45回复删除邹晓辉赞Information and knowledge are replacing capital and energy as the primary wealth-creating assets, just as the latter two replaced land and labor 200 years ago. In addition, technological developments in the 20th century have transformed the majority of wealth-creating work from physically-based to "knowledge-based". Technology and knowledge are now the key factors of production. With increased mobility of information and the global work force, knowledge and expertise can be transported instantaneously around the world, and any advantage gained by one company can be eliminated by competitive improvements overnight. The only comparative advantage a company will enjoy will be its process of innovation--combining market and technology know-how with the creative talents of knowledge workers to solve a constant stream of competitive problems--and its ability to derive value from information. We are now an information society in a knowledge economy where knowledge management is essential. This page lists and rates Internet resources related to the field of knowledge based economy and knowledge management in the new information society.
Resources for Futures Research
2010-10-24 12:41回复删除邹晓辉赞How THE FUTURIST Was Born
The World Future Society's Emergence from Dream to Reality
The World Future Society’s First Conference
Futuring and World Peace
Adventures in Organization Building: Adding Star Power to Futuring
Future Shock and the Magic of the Future
Northern Arizona University
Futures Forum
Resources for Futures Research