52fw.cn 07-08 次遇见北京---上海------------------------------温哥华---多伦多
Bruce Francis就是让我第一次飞起来的那个人。
Bruce’s scientific career was remarkably rich and varied. He is considered by many to be one of the most influential researchers in control theory.
He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1975 under the supervision of Professor Wonham at the University of Toronto.
In his Ph.D. research with Murray Wonham, Bruce investigated the problem of structural stability of linear multivariable regulators. The object of inquiry was a class of feedback controllers capable of regulating some variables in a control system irrespective of parameter variations and external disturbances.
In this context, Bruce proved that such a controller must by necessity incorporate an internal model of the external disturbances acting on the system. This so-called “Internal Model Principle” is one of the most profound results of linear control theory.
Internal Model Principle,就是控制理论中著名的“内模原理”。这篇1976年发表在automatica的论文,就是Francis和Wonham合作完成的。