52fw.cn 04-22 次遇见19 Advice to Little Girls
(By Mark Twain )
Good little girls ought not to make mouths at their teachers for every trifling offense. This retaliation should only be resorted to under peculiarly aggravated circumstances.
If you have nothing but a rag-doll stuffed with sawdust, while one of your more fortunate little playmates has a costly china one, you should treat her with a show of kindness nevertheless. And you ought not to attempt to make a forcible swap with her unless your conscience would justify you in it, and you know you are able to do it.
You ought never to take your little brother's "chewing-gum" away from him by main force; it is better to rope him in with the promise of the first two dollars and a half you find floating down the river on a grindstone. In the artless simplicity natural to this time of life, he will regard it as a perfectly fair plausible fiction has lured the obtuse infant to financial ruin and disaster.
想要你弟弟的“泡泡糖”?永远不要强取豪夺,试试给他下个套儿吧。就答应他说你以后再在河里磨石上捡到漂来的钱,最先捡到的2.5美元一定给他。像他这么点大的小毛孩,正是天真无邪的时候, 定会以为这是笔相当公平的交易。古往今来,这种花言巧语的骗局诱使多少无知孩童丢了东西、破了财呀!
If at any time you find it necessary to correct your brother, do not correct him with mud - never, on any account, throw mud at him, because it will spoil his clothes. It is better to scald him a little, for then you obtain desirable results. You secure his immediate attention to the lessons you are inculcating , and at the same time your hot water will have a tendency to remove impurities from his person, and possibly the skin, in spots.