52fw.cn 04-18 次遇见18 Childlike Not Childish
(From rookiemag.com)
I remember the day my best friend in sixth grade got a fake, removable gold cap for her tooth, the better to emulate the rappers we loved at the time. I couldn't believe her parents would buy it for her and let her wear it - it seemed so cool, and so grown-up. Plus, I knew she had to go into the city to get it, which added to its aura of sophisticated danger. I,meanwhile, was still watching cartoons on TV, and crocheting and knitting clothes for my dolls.
Soon I noticed that my friend was starting to hang out with different people, and that she wasn't coming over as often after school to play kickball in my backyard. I now know that trying on new friends is just a natural part of growing up, but at the time I felt abandoned. Now that she was ready to be older, my friend was leaving me behind in Babyland. I felt like I was deficient in some way: abnormal, immature, childish.
很快我就注意到,我的这位挚友开始和不同的人出去玩了,不再像以前那样经常在放学后来我家后院踢足球。我现在知道,尝试结交新朋友是成长过程中很自然的一部分,但在那时我却有一种被抛弃的感觉。因为我的好朋友已准备好要长大,她把我丢在娃娃国里,逐渐离我远去。我觉得自己从某种意义上来说有缺陷:不正常、不成熟, 还有些幼稚。
By ninth grade most of the girls in my class had cast aside their Barbies and sticker books in favor of high heels and lots of makeup, which made me nervous. I wasn't ready for that kind of self-sexualization - I would rather stay home and paint or watch E.T. for the hundredth time than go to a dance or hang out in the park to look at the cute boys I would see the next day in school anyway. There were a lot of things I looked forward to about being a teenager and then an adult - staying out as late as I wanted, eating ice cream any time of day or night - but I wasn't ready to give up all the things I loved about being a kid.
And I was convinced I would have to give them up. You know how people say you should enjoy what you have now while you're alive, because you can't take it with you to the grave? That's how I felt about the transition from childhood to adulthood: you had to leave your childish things behind. The dividing line between the two stages of life seemed solid and inflexible , and the passage through it strictly one-way - once you'd crossed it there was no turning back.
In my family, crossing that threshold meant taking on a whole list of new responsibilities. While as a kid I earned my mall money by sharing after-dinner dishwashing duty with my brother, once I became a teenager I'd have to do laundry for the entire family all by myself. I'd have to pay for more of my own stuff, too, which meant I'd have to get a job, and that wouldn't really leave me any time for knitting or doodling or yet another E.T. screening.
在我的家里,跨过这个起始点就意味着要承担一长串的新责任。作为一个小孩子,我可以靠晚饭后和哥哥一起洗碗挣零花钱,可一旦长成十几岁的大姑娘,我就得一个人负责洗全家人的衣服。如果我想给自己买东西,更多的时候也要自己掏钱,这就意味着我得找份工 作,那我就真的没什么时间去织毛衣、胡乱涂鸦或是再看一遍《外星人E.T.》了。
Here's another thing: growing up, I never saw any of the adults in my life having fun. They all seemed super serious all the time, and super tired - at the time I assumed it was from working all day at jobs they didn't seem to like very much and then coming home to houses and apartments that needed to be maintained, which would have been more than enough, but I didn't factor in the time they spent raising and tending to me and driving me around to all of my million after-school activities. But no matter what the reason is, the image they gave me of grown-up life was dire , stressed out, exhausted, and bleak .
I was terrified of growing up and becoming like them, and losing all of the simple joys of youth; but I was also afraid of being left behind, and missing out on all of the pleasures and freedoms that the adult world had in store. And I got stuck there, with this impossible choice.
After that revelation , I started paying closer attention to the adults around me, and I noticed that they didn't all look like the responsibilities of life and work had put them through the wringer . Some of them, like my eighth grade art teacher, had jobs that seemed fun, and that they seemed to enjoy. It began to dawn on me that there was more than one way to be an adult, and that not all of them involved giving up your childhood hobbies. It turned out that there wasn't actually a hard line between childhood and adulthood: you can keep the parts of being a child that nourish and comfort you, that make you feel like yourself and help you become the person you want to be.
Once I figured this out, adulthood didn't seem so scary anymore. I got a job, bought a car, went away to college, dropped out, dropped back in, and eventually became an Official Old, with a job and a husband and a house and everything. But I never stopped doing the things I liked, and many of those "childish" hobbies turned into skills that have been invaluable in my adult life: I still do all that crafty stuff, and all that time spent noodling around by myself while the other kids were sweating it out at school dances taught me how to be happy being alone, which so many people don't know how to do, and which has been incredibly useful to me. I now see these proclivities , which were so often dismissed as "childish" by my classmates, as ways to keep myself connected to the part of myself that can still feel wonder, and that's willing to be entertained by simple things that make me happy - the childlike part of me.