52fw.cn 02-26 次遇见Richard Welford教授, 主编
Richard Welford,悉尼科技大学(University of Technology, Sydney)副教授。他与Wiley合作运营多本具备国际影响力的学术期刊,围绕商业和可持续发展推进相关研究,目前担任4本期刊的主编/编辑: Business Strategy & Development, Business Strategy and the Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility & Environmental Management and Sustainable Development.
Richard Welford教授还是CSR Asia(智库,以其在企业社会责任 (CSR)和可持续性方面的开创性工作而闻名)的创始人,他在企业社会责任领域与商界、联合国、非政府组织和其他国际机构合作超过30年,重点关注社会公正、人权、社会治理、社区发展和环境管理。
我们在26年前创办了这本期刊(影响因子:5.513),这是一段很长的时间,我从一开始就参与了这本期刊的运营。我们的期刊,Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management,迄今为止,一直为大量研究企业可持续发展的社会和环境问题的论文提供一个发表渠道,实际上,我们的期刊试图研究企业如何对可持续发展这一极为广泛的议题做出贡献。Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management 关注的是一个极为广泛的议题,我们出版的所有论文都在讨论商业如何对可持续发展做出贡献及相应的方法。
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management provides aresource for the ever increasing number of organisations concerned about socialand environmental responsibilities in the context of sustainable developmentand are interested in developing tools and case studies to improve theirperformance and accountability in these areas.
The focus of the journal is on research and practical advice forthe development of tools, practical case studies and an assessment of therelative strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. It encourages debateover the development of issues as well as monitoring the demands being made ofand by various stakeholder groups. It discusses issues of methodology,principles, practice, science, technology and law. It is a refereed journal andcontributions of a high quality aimed at an interdisciplinary audience areinvited.