环保怪咖:不在乎他人的异样眼光 坚持做自己喜欢做的事
52fw.cn 04-10 次遇见14 This Is What I'm Into
(By Shallon Lester)
(译 / 四叶草)
I spent the first 20 years of my life terrified about what other people thought about me. Like, lay-awake-stressing-about-whether-or-not-my- classmates-hate-my-backpack kind of terrified. So, I tried to minimize my inherent nerdiness as much as possible, especially when it came to my closet obsession : saving the world.
My eco-geekiness started when I was 13 and my favorite teen magazine arrived in the mail with a "Save the Earth, Girl!" cover. I remember it so clearly! It was filled with all sorts of easy tips to go green.
Among many of the dork facts I learned that day: turning off the water while you brush your teeth saves 200 gallons of water every year - per person! Let's just say I started doing that right away. I mean, it is kind of a big deal considering Earth doesn't have an unlimited amount of fresh water (converting the ocean into drinkable water is super hard and expensive, I found out).