故事:售出的不是徽章 而是对生命的希望
52fw.cn 04-11 次遇见15 Button Up!
(By Heather Ray)
My name is Lydia, but please, call me Buttons, as in Button Up, the name of my new company. I started it last year when I was in fifth grade, and that summer, I made more than $250! And I helped save a life! But I'll tell you more about that later. First, you need to know how it all started....
I was in Social Studies on another gloomy Monday morning. I was sick and tired of April showers and could practically taste summer vacation. That's when Mr. Larson announced a pop quiz . I'd briefly skimmed over the assigned chapters - something about economics - but I neglected to study with my usual flash cards.
又是一个黑色星期一的早晨,我正在上社会学课。我真是受够了4月的阵雨,正迫不及待地盼望暑假的到来。就在那时,拉森先生宣布要进行一次突击测验。我本来已经粗略地翻看过他划定的章节—— 是关于经济学的——但是当时我大意了,没有用我平时常用的卡片来学习。
After flunking my first quiz, I was so humiliated that I pulled out my Social Studies book and reread the material. The next day I begged Mr. Larson to let me retake the quiz, but he said that wouldn't be fair to the other students. Instead, he suggested I use what I had learned to start my own business. (I should have known he would say something like that. He was always trying to get students interested in extracurricular projects.)
Lydia, he said, "when you're not in school, what do you like to do?"
Hmm, I thought out loud . "Well, I like to swim in my neighbor's pool. Oh, and I recently learned how to make my own buttons, and I also like to... "
Hold on, he interrupted me. "Did you say you can make buttons?"
Yup. I took off my book bag to show Mr. Larson the collection of buttons pinned to the back. They said all sorts of things like "Go Green," "I'd Rather Be Swimming," a few had names, and my favorite: the one I had made for my sister, Lynn. She's in eighth grade now, but when she was younger, she had leukemia . Thankfully, she's in remission now (which means the signs of cancer are gone), and my dad says we're all very lucky that the treatments worked. Every year my family participates in a three- mile walk to raise money for cancer treatments. The button is a photo my dad took of Lynn and me at the finish line last year. It says S-U-R-V-I-V-O-R in the shape of a rainbow at the top.
“是啊。”我摘下书包,给拉森先生展示我那些别在书包背面的徽章。它们上面都写着类似于“崇尚绿色”“我宁愿游泳”的字样,有一些印有名字,而我最喜欢的那枚是我为姐姐林恩做的。林恩现在读八年级了,但她小时候患上了白血病。庆幸的是,现在她的病情有所缓解(也就是说,癌症的症状已经消失了)。我爸爸说,我们真的很幸运, 因为林恩接受的治疗见效了。每年,我们全家人都会参加一个三英里健步活动,为癌症治疗筹集善款。那枚徽章上印的就是去年爸爸为我和林恩在终点线上拍的照片。在徽章顶部写有拼成彩虹形状的“幸存者”字样。
I made a bunch of survivor buttons and gave one to everyone who helped donate to the race, I told him.
He looked impressed. "How did you make them?"
I used Lynn's computer to print the photos and cut them out so they fit into these clear, plastic pin backs,I explained.
Do you think there's a need, or a 'demand', for your buttons?
A demand? I wondered. As in the law of supply and demand from our Social Studies textbook?
Umm, I'll think about it. Then I hurried to art class.
When I got home, I reviewed the chapter on economics. Maybe I could sell my buttons. I was going to need money to buy supplies and would have to ask someone for a loan. Naturally, I asked More if she would invest in my idea.